May 01, 2017
New Clients - April
In April, we welcomed the following new clients to our family:
Kuwait Well Drilling Co.
American Natural Soy - American Natural Soy is a leader in providing innovative organic processing of oils, flour, and meal.
Janesville Acoustics - Founded to manufacture cotton rolls and batting for the furniture industry, Janesville Acoustics shifted to the transportation market with the rise of mass-produced automobiles. Today they are one of the world’s largest producers of acoustical and thermal fiber insulation to a variety of automotive applications.
Hope Ministries - At Hope Ministries, they believe in a holistic approach to meeting the needs of hurting men, women and children. That's why they provide both rescue services and long-term life recovery programs meant to help individuals and families break the cycles of homelessness, addiction, abuse and poverty.
Northern Crossarm Co., Inc. - Northern Crossarm Co. is known for producing the highest quality pressure treated wood products that meet the needs of an every-changing building environment.
Bradley County Schools - Bradley County Schools serves over 10,490 students in 17 schools.