Improve Productivity with Equipment Downtime Tracking Software

Track Equipment Downtime with MAPCON CMMS Maintenance Management

What is Downtime Tracking?

Downtime Tracking

Any unscheduled equipment failure or process stoppage is considered "downtime". Machine breakdowns, raw material shortages, and operator errors all can result in downtime. Unplanned downtime can end up costing facilities and industry significant amounts of time and money. Downtime tracking is usually accomplished using a computerized maintenance management system (CMMS). CMMS software collects data and provides analysis and reporting through its work order system.

Try MAPCON Free!

Easy to use. Powerful software. Priced right.


MAPCON is a simple to use equipment downtime tracking software program that can be running in just a few minutes. We have designed our downtime tracking and preventive maintenance software so that any individual familiar with using online and mobile applications can start using MAPCON and create their first Work Order in less than 10 minutes!

Why not contact MAPCON today? Just call 1-800-922-4336 or !


MAPCON is one of the most sophisticated equipment downtime tracking software applications available on the market today. No other downtime tracking software offers the number of options and feature set that is offered by MAPCON CMMS. The good news is, you can order MAPCON with the functionality and features that best suit your organization. You may not need to track timecards today. You may not need inventory capabilities. Don't worry. MAPCON is fully scalable. No sense in paying for stuff you are not using. However, you can upgrade at any time without penalty. So, when you are ready you can easily add what you need.

Why not contact MAPCON today? Just call 1-800-922-4336 or !


We have designed MAPCON equipment downtime tracking software pricing to be affordable starting out and remain reasonably priced as you grow into our more advanced options and modules. MAPCON equipment downtime management software pricing is the most economical of any competitor in the CMMS industry. You will never pay for more CMMS than you want or need! That's why MAPCON's Lite version starts out at only $595! Or we'll host it for you as a Web-based application at just $35 per month.See pricing for our basic version.

Why not contact MAPCON today? Just call 1-800-922-4336 or !


At MAPCON, we are proud that many of our employees are invested in our company. They have good reason to care about our customers. So, we answer the phones here! When our customers call, they are routed directly to the MAPCON employee that is best suited to fit their specific needs. We don’t outsource any of our services, and we never will. At MAPCON, we know that providing top-notch, professional equipment downtime tracking and maintenance support is all about the unique relationship our software has with each of our customers in government, industry and facilities. We care about you! And, anyone who has ever called us knows that's true!

Why not contact MAPCON today? Just call 1-800-922-4336 or !


MAPCON has been providing outstanding equipment downtime tracking software to facilities and industry worldwide for over 30 years! We discovered a long time ago that the needs of an ethanol producer may differ significantly from the preventive maintenance software requirements of a major government agency. That's why MAPCON customers know that we always stand ready to make our downtime tracking and preventive maintenance software reflect the unique needs and expectations of those who see a need for and wish to pay for optional customizations in our CMMS software!

Why not contact MAPCON today? Just call 1-800-922-4336 or !

Improve Efficiency by Tracking Downtime

MAPCON preventive maintenance downtime tracking software protects the bottom line against production flow problems by enforcing an action plan based on preventive and corrective measures. Not only does MAPCON track equipment downtime, but it can track all equipment and facility assets! MAPCON puts in place a professional comprehensive workflow including work requests, work orders and dispatch. MAPCON provides complete preventive maintenance and control. Not only that, but our CMMS includes inventory tracking, including issues and returns. It is fully integrated with staff smartphones and tablets (Apple and Android).  MAPCON can manage multiple sites and zones, too. Our customers are always confident and secure in the knowledge that friendly, professional support located in the center of America's heartland is only a phone call away (1-800-223-4791).

MAPCON CMMS with downtime tracking measures your equipment overall equipment efficiency (OEE). In fact, MAPCON can track every asset, every piece of equipment, every building, site and zone managed by your facility. MAPCON even tracks multiple facilities. Your maintenance management goal should be optimum operating efficiency. MAPCON is designed with professional maintenance management in mind. Reducing equipment downtime is a fundamental part of MAPCON CMMS. With in-depth features like work order scheduling, detailed standard and custom reports, advanced maintenance options like checklists and tool control, smartphone and tablet integration, resource scheduling and much, much more, MAPCON answers every conceivable circumstance in your maintenance management planning. Why not give MAPCON a try today? Call us at 1-800-922-4336 or schedule a free, no obligation product Demo right away!

Learn more about MAPCON's downtime tracking software

Please contact us right away! Let us help you set up a FREE software evaluation and show you how to use the software. Better yet, if you have some time why not let one of our expert support technicians spend some personal time with you while you sit at your own desk. We'll be happy to walk you through our software package with a FREE personalized DEMO! And, don't forget! MAPCON provides the best product support in the industry. — Updated by

Call us at 1-800-922-4336 or go to our MAPCON Downtime Tracking Free Trial Page today!


Add Value to Your MAPCON CMMS With Optional Advanced Modules!

One of the most important benefits of MAPCON CMMS is its assumption that your organization wants top-notch maintenance management software without unnecessary bells and whistles added merely to drive up the price point. Yet, MAPCON recognizes that every organization has different priorities and processes. That's why we offer a compelling array of optional add-ons, extensions and modules – and even optional customizations – to enhance your maintenance management capabilities.

Within MAPCON, both our Lite and Pro versions already bring substantial CMMS performance power that by themselves are more than many organizations need. For others however, having advanced capacity in certain contexts is critical to maintain existing efficiencies and practices. While extensions and modules differ between our Lite and Pro versions, please take a look at what MAPCON CMMS can offer:

MAPCON Advanced Modules (Optional)

  1. MAPCON Mobile — Use with smartphones and tablets. Learn more...
  2. Barcoding — The MAPCON Barcode Module is your answer to integrating fixed assets such as equipment, parts and other movable items with your operations data-collection systems. Learn more...
  3. Interface Module — The Interface Module transfers important data from your MAPCON system to another software system or multiple software systems. Learn more...
  4. Advanced Inventory — MAPCON's Inventory Module means reliable and efficient inventory management. Learn more...
  5. Advanced Purchasing — MAPCON Purchasing Module manages the entire CMMS Procurement Process. Learn more...
  6. Advanced Administration — The Advanced Administration Option includes Microsoft Active Directory Integration, Dashboards, Change Key, Filter Management, Attachments and System Scheduler. Learn more...

For a printable list (PDF) of ALL the features provided in MAPCON CMMS, Click Here.

  1. Advanced Human Resources — MAPCON's Human Resources Module is all about tracking labor, measuring labor efficiency and obtaining accurate labor costs on a per machine basis. Learn more...
    • Work Order Resource Scheduler — Included with the Advanced Human Resources Module, MAPCON Scheduler is an outstanding, drag-and-drop calendar-based scheduling tool that will really make life easy for busy maintenance staff! Learn more...
  2. Advanced Maintenance — MAPCON's Advanced Maintenance Module enables your CMMS to drill down into your maintenance management process to uncover unsurpassed detail and enable complete optimization of personnel and material. Learn more...
  3. Service Billing — Service billing allows the MAPCON User to bill costs to other departments, or, to accounting for customer billing. Includes quoting features. Learn more...
  4. System Utilities — System Utilities includes a Label Editor, SQL Editor, Menu Generator, Microsoft® Excel Importing and Report Generator. Learn more...
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