Improve Performance with Maintenance KPI Tools

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

What are Maintenance KPIs?

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are measurements that are used to compare performance over time. KPIs establish clear maintenance benchmarks that measure a mix of either lagging or leading indicators in order not only to accomplish excellent maintenance work, but eliminate risks associated with unscheduled breakdowns of assets or equipment.

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KPIs in Maintenance Management

The foundation of any effective CMMS rests on accurate data. If staff are diligent in entering required information when creating and completing a work order, and, accurate when reporting repairs, parts, and inventory, the CMMS itself can function at peak performance.

KPIs: Powerful Maintenance Management

Your maintenance business processes must be laser-focused in order to achieve essential business value objectives. Best practice KPI choices reveal an overall understanding of the condition in your plant, past, present – and future!

Gather Data, Track Metrics, Evaluate Performance

Work Orders – One of the most obvious, yet crucial Key Performance Indicator (KPI) for any facility is the relative success of its Work Order process. Are preventive maintenance work orders scheduled and completed promptly? How many Work Orders are past due in the system?

Staff Productivity – Repairs and routine maintenance jobs take time. The critical question is, how much time? Underestimating time required to complete maintenance tasks unduly pressures staff to rush through maintenance and repairs endangering PM integrity. Work Orders with excessive time estimated can easily lead to unnecessary labor costs.

Equipment Reliability – Unscheduled equipment downtime is not only a production killer but an immediate short circuit in revenue and profitability. The goal is to maximize equipment uptime utilizing a comprehensive preventive maintenance program.

MAPCON CMMS is a comprehensive preventive maintenance software package that allows you to track and analyze every key performance indicator imaginable. MAPCON CMMS is used by America's space agency, as well as major facilities and industry. Learn more!

MAPCON CMMS allows you to use a multitude of performance indicators that are the most appropriate to your business. MAPCON can measure the metrics that inform your understanding of the relative health of your operations. Understanding those specific metrics provide the KPIs most relevant to taking control and improving the bottom line.

MAPCON's maintenance and KPI tracking software is called MAPCON Pro. MAPCON Pro is a dynamic, full-featured KPI maintenance management software. MAPCON Pro does the job you need loaded with extra functionality and options that your staff needs to keep your assets and equipment operating efficiently. Learn more!

MAPCON maintenance and KPI management software can be accessed using Apple and Android smartphones and tablets. Our software is available as an On-Demand (SaaS) or cloud-based system or can be hosted on your own servers. Optionally, MAPCON key performance indicator software can be upgraded anytime without penalty, for instance, to add multiple locations and zones including different plants located over a wide geography.

Improving your performance is what MAPCON is all about.

Let's get started tracking Key Performance Indicators today!

Let's get started! Why not contact us right now?  MAPCON specialists are waiting right now to talk to you about tracking your key performance indicators. Whether your organization operates a single oil well or has multiple locations, MAPCON preventive maintenance management software will impress you! Let us help you put together a CMMS software package designed just for your operation. We are eager to demonstrate how our preventive maintenance and KPI software can improve your bottom line. Just call us or email us!

Call us at 1-800-922-4336 or go to our MAPCON KPI and Preventive Maintenance Software Free Trial Page today!


Add Value to Your MAPCON CMMS With Optional Advanced Modules!

One of the most important benefits of MAPCON CMMS is its assumption that your organization wants top-notch maintenance management software without unnecessary bells and whistles added merely to drive up the price point. Yet, MAPCON recognizes that every organization has different priorities and processes. That's why we offer a compelling array of optional add-ons, extensions and modules – and even optional customizations – to enhance your maintenance management capabilities.

Within MAPCON, both our Lite and Pro versions already bring substantial CMMS performance power that by themselves are more than many organizations need. For others however, having advanced capacity in certain contexts is critical to maintain existing efficiencies and practices. While extensions and modules differ between our Lite and Pro versions, please take a look at what MAPCON CMMS can offer:

MAPCON Advanced Modules (Optional)

  1. MAPCON Mobile — Use with smartphones and tablets. Learn more...
  2. Barcoding — The MAPCON Barcode Module is your answer to integrating fixed assets such as equipment, parts and other movable items with your operations data-collection systems. Learn more...
  3. Interface Module — The Interface Module transfers important data from your MAPCON system to another software system or multiple software systems. Learn more...
  4. Advanced Inventory — MAPCON's Inventory Module means reliable and efficient inventory management. Learn more...
  5. Advanced Purchasing — MAPCON Purchasing Module manages the entire CMMS Procurement Process. Learn more...
  6. Advanced Administration — The Advanced Administration Option includes Microsoft Active Directory Integration, Dashboards, Change Key, Filter Management, Attachments and System Scheduler. Learn more...

For a printable list (PDF) of ALL the features provided in MAPCON CMMS, Click Here.

  1. Advanced Human Resources — MAPCON's Human Resources Module is all about tracking labor, measuring labor efficiency and obtaining accurate labor costs on a per machine basis. Learn more...
    • Work Order Resource Scheduler — Included with the Advanced Human Resources Module, MAPCON Scheduler is an outstanding, drag-and-drop calendar-based scheduling tool that will really make life easy for busy maintenance staff! Learn more...
  2. Advanced Maintenance — MAPCON's Advanced Maintenance Module enables your CMMS to drill down into your maintenance management process to uncover unsurpassed detail and enable complete optimization of personnel and material. Learn more...
  3. Service Billing — Service billing allows the MAPCON User to bill costs to other departments, or, to accounting for customer billing. Includes quoting features. Learn more...
  4. System Utilities — System Utilities includes a Label Editor, SQL Editor, Menu Generator, Microsoft® Excel Importing and Report Generator. Learn more...
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MAPCON's preventive maintenance and KPI CMMS version has been created with the busy preventive maintenance staff in mind. No one wants to spend hours discovering how a new piece of software works. Today, customers expect that new KPI software applications function as intuitively as possible with the shortest possible learning curve. After all, their job is maintenance management not educating themselves to use complex computer programs! MAPCON's preventive maintenance KPI software exceeds that expectation handily.

Why not contact MAPCON today? Just call 1-800-922-4336 or !


Powerful MAPCON CMMS Modules

Learn more today! MAPCON Mobile | Barcoding | Interface Module | Advanced Inventory | Advanced Purchasing | Advanced Human Resources | Advanced Maintenance | Advanced Administration | Service Billing | System Utilities.


No preventive maintenance and KPI software package offers the sheer number of features and options that are contained in the MAPCON CMMS package at a price on par with our terrific value. MAPCON feels that maintenance managers shouldn't have to invest hundreds of thousands of dollars in CMMS software, especially for preventive maintenance and KPI software in order to obtain the functionality MAPCON offers in its suite of standard features or in its optional modules.

Why not contact MAPCON today? Just call 1-800-922-4336 or !


As a MAPCON customer, you will never pay for more preventive maintenance and KPI tracking software than you want or need! That's why our price for MAPCON's Lite version, a oil & gas industry CMMS ready for facility or industry, starts out at only $595! Or we'll host it for you as a Web-based application at just $35 per month. No preventive maintenance CMMS is as affordable as MAPCON!

Why not contact MAPCON today? Just call 1-800-922-4336 or !


The employee-owners at MAPCON are the ones who provide support and assistance to our customer family! We don't farm out support calls to another continent! Our customers never have to worry about being shunted off to a representative looking for answers on a computer screen thousands of miles away from our headquarters. When you contact MAPCON, you will reach one of our employee-owners in our offices here in the Midwest of the United States. Every time! All the time!

Why not contact MAPCON today? Just call 1-800-922-4336 or !


If your organization requires unique customization to suit your specific needs and preferences, MAPCON is your product! We gladly perform optional customizations for our customers all the time! Customization is an optional opportunity for oil and gas operations interested in certain modifications in our CMMS functionality. MAPCON always stands ready to meet your unique needs and expectations. So, no problem! Yes, MAPCON is easy to work with!

Why not contact MAPCON today? Just call 1-800-922-4336 or !