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The Maintenance Management Blog

Published: June 04, 2014  Updated: December 31, 2024

6 Key CMMS Software Features For the Maintenance Manager

6 Key CMMS Software Features For the Maintenance Manager

Being a maintenance manager is more than a full-time job – it is literally a way of life. Whether you maintain a facility, several buildings, or a machine shop, there are so many things you have to keep track of that it can be impossible to leave the job at the door. Of course, that doesn't have to be the case. Instead of relying on your brain, some scraps of paper, an Excel spreadsheet, and a rusty file cabinet to keep track of your maintenance program, why not give a computerized maintenance management system (CMMS) a shot?

We have discussed the many ways a CMMS benefits a corporation ad nauseam – indeed, there is such a variety of reasons a company would employ the use of maintenance software that we could easily fill a book (or two). But one subject that is frequently overlooked is the benefit of maintenance management software for maintenance managers.

CMMS Benefits for Maintenance Managers

Organization is key to the success of any maintenance supervisor, and the right CMMS excels in this endeavor. From keeping track of every asset under a manager"s command (including spare parts, machinery, and even areas in the facility itself), to storing information about those same assets (warranty, manufacturer, and vendor data, as well as procedural and technical manuals, equipment life expectancy, and so on), maintenance software is so much better equipped at keeping your ship in order than notebooks and spreadsheets.

Another big component of being a reliability head honcho is actually being reliable – see what I did there? You will no doubt be responsible for providing reports and budget projections to your boss, and maintenance software is great in this arena. Not only does it help you "justify" your department and its budgetary needs, but your CMMS will also help prove to vendors (in the event of machine replacement or breakdown) that your staff conducted proper preventative maintenance and did not void any warranties.

You will also be able to create reports for your own needs. These reports will help you to budget and staff appropriately, cutting down on manpower and optimizing your manpower. You will also be able to analyze your month to month and year to year performance and look for areas of improvement or weakness in your maintenance system.

Issuing work orders and tracking their progress every step of the way is another great feature CMMS bring to the table. Not only does this help ensure tasks are performed, but it also creates a layer of responsibility – if something goes wrong (from a workplace safety or machine breakdown viewpoint), you will know who was responsible and what steps they took. This is less about culpability and more about preventing future incidents.

Maintenance software can help save time – for both you and your department. Streamlining your work and maintenance process, including scheduling jobs and work orders, and even minute details such as the location of your spare parts, all add up to give you more time to do what you do best – managing your employees and facility. Imagine not having the frustration of searching through file folders for a warranty card or vendor phone number.

Finally, a CMMS will save your company money, and they affect you in a very important way – it makes you valuable not only from an operational standpoint but from a financial one as well. And that, my friend, should be music to any maintenance manager"s ears!


Lisa Richards

About the Author – Lisa Richards

Lisa Richards is an experienced professional in the field of industrial management and is an avid blogger about maintenance management systems and productivity innovation. Richards' undergraduate degree in Industrial Engineering opened the door for her initial career path with a Midwest-based agricultural implement manufacturer with global market reach. Over a span of 10 years, Lisa worked her way through various staff leadership positions in the manufacturing process until reaching the operations manager level at a construction and forestry equipment facility. Lisa excelled at increasing productivity while maintaining or lowering operating budgets for her plant sites.

An Illinois native, Lisa recently returned to her suburban Chicago North Shore hometown to raise her family. Lisa has chosen to be active in her community and schools while her two young girls begin their own journey through life. Richards has now joined the MAPCON team as an educational outreach writer in support of their efforts to inform maintenance management specialists about the advantages in marrying advanced maintenance software with cutting-edge facility and industrial management strategies.

Filed under: CMMS, maintenance management — Lisa Richards on June 04, 2014