Published: September 30, 2020 Updated: December 31, 2024
6 CMMS Must-Have Features
Successful maintenance management is only possible with a quality organization system - a computerized maintenance management system (CMMS) software. Before deciding on a CMMS software, it is essential to evaluate the available features.
The six must-have features for maintenance managers:
- Work Order
- Preventive maintenance
- Inventory
- Asset Management
- Mobile App
- Reporting
Work Order
The capability to track work orders is one of the most prominent CMMS features. Work orders are initiated and tracked in the system, allowing maintenance managers to monitor the order from start to finish.
A CMMS needs to have a simple work order request portal. An uncomplicated web browser work request page enables employees to make requests effortlessly. Typically, there is an option to have a manager's approval necessary for the work order to put into the system.
Managers can also dispatch work orders to employees or a technician to ensure the work orders will be completed. If an issue occurs, any information regarding the work order would be available in the CMMS. A few examples of information that would be in the system are the employee responsible and what happened during the repair. When work orders are utilized correctly, facilities will see a growth in their productivity. The browser work request page and tracking both allow for fast responses to breakdowns as well as the ability to set a priority to open work orders.
Preventive Maintenance
Another necessary feature in any CMMS is preventive maintenance (PM). PM's are when maintenance is scheduled and performed regularly. PM's help to prolong the life of assets, locations, and equipment. For example, by analyzing data, predictions can accurately be made for equipment failure. To predict this, it takes extensive historical data. After looking at the data, PM’s can be scheduled to identify and fix this issue before it arises. Tackling issues before they do arise or before they get worse with PM’s helps to prolong the life of assets.
Having a PM strategy in place will assist in continuing production, lowering costs for parts and shipping, consistent safety, and less time will be wasted when responding to an emergency. The most significant advantages of having a preventive maintenance feature are the ability to plan and prepare.
Without the proper parts, tools, and equipment, maintenance teams struggle to effectively do their jobs. Inventory management helps to ensure departments have the correct parts available, which correlates with the department's efficiency and their control of costs. For example, it is critical to have the required spare parts and repair tools to reduce any unnecessary downtime and allow for productive maintenance repairs.
Asset Management
Controlling assets across departments, zones, and locations will maximize productivity. Successfully managing assets helps with tracking overall maintenance history. Tracking the history (where it is, who used it last, when it was last serviced) helps managers make data-driven decisions.
Properly scheduling and organizing PM’s is also easier while managing assets. Asset management should include the ability to track meter and gauge readings and equipment warranties as well.
Mobile App
Having a mobile version of a CMMS can save both time and money. When a worker sees a repair they need to report, as opposed to heading back to the desktop computer, they can use their mobile device to record the new request. Having a mobile device available can save time and ensure no details will be left out.
Another benefit of a mobile version is the ability to order parts easily by clicking the vendor’s information and calling or emailing them immediately. A few additional benefits of having a Mobile CMMS are the options to receive mobile alerts, add attachments, scan barcodes from the floor, and more.
A reporting function within a CMMS will help managers have a better understanding of the overall maintenance operation. CMMS reports gather information to assist maintenance managers in seeing many things: what is or is not getting done, who is doing what/how long it takes, inventory turn rates, how much departments are spending/on what, and much more. The data shown in reports help managers see the information that most likely would go unnoticed and overall allows for better control.
MAPCON offers all six of these features, plus more. Contact us at 1-800-922-4336 with any questions or concerns.