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The Maintenance Management Blog

Published: October 15, 2020  Updated: December 31, 2024

Covid-19 Prevention Strategies

As the COVID-19 virus continues to spread, companies fear outbreaks of this fast-spreading disease. Companies must prepare to reduce the chance of exposure that would affect employee’s health and their production.

Strategies in the workplace

While the coronavirus pandemic continues to evolve, updated strategies must be implemented into workplaces by employers.

  • Keep up to date with the CDC recommendations for Businesses and Workplaces
  • Continue to emphasize the importance of Preventative Strategies
    • Hand hygiene
    • Regular environmental cleaning
  • Take extra caution to sick employees and allow them to stay home
  • Research resources continuously for new information on preventing exposures and infections
  • Consistent and clear communication

Implementing COVID-19 strategies into CMMS

A Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) can help businesses stay organized and find a new normal as COVID-19, also known as the Coronavirus, has continued to create unprecedented times across every industry in the world. Here are a few areas where a CMMS can be used to address some of the CDC guidelines.

Work Orders

  • Add gloves/masks as parts to issue with work orders
  • Use the work order descriptions wisely by adding verbiage like "COVID-19: equipment sterilization" or "Related to COVID-19"
  • Prioritize work orders related to COVID-19

Preventative Maintenance

  • Daily work request with checklist to wipe down equipment surfaces and team temperature checks
  • Generating PMs after returning a tool to allow for sanitization
  • Add documentation to PM procedures for wearing face coverings and 6 feet distancing
  • Replacement of hand sanitizers and materials for hand wash stations


  • Track the Personal Protective Equipment inventory levels
  • Sanitary wipes, cleaners, masks, etc.
  • Report clean/disinfecting requirements
  • Identify amount of resources going to COVID-19 actions
  • Improve accurate inventory list by including usage location and date

Planning and preparing for a large-scale outbreak of a disease as dangerous as COVID-19 can be overwhelming. These simple steps outlined above offer an organized solution to begin preparing/preventing.


Heather Wilkerson

About the Author – Hannah Fox

Hannah Fox is a Marketing Associate at Mapcon Technologies, Inc.. Fox graduated from Wartburg College in 2020 with a degree in journalism, Communication and graphic design. While at Wartburg College, she wrote for Waverly Utilities, covering various topics ranging from service updates to board meetings. Fox also had several articles published in The Trumpet (Wartburg College’s student-run newspaper). Fox is a motivated young writer - determined to inform maintenance management of the benefits of a robust computerized maintenance management system.

Filed under: cmms, cmms software, covid-19, maintenance management, mapcon, — Hannah Fox on October 15, 2020