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The Maintenance Management Blog

July 28, 2022

It's an Open and Shut Work Order

Image: man working under vehicleAs a maintenance supervisor, you have an essential task of tracking both completed and upcoming jobs. Regular maintenance and preventive maintenance (PMs) extend equipment lifespan and overall production. This article discusses how MAPCON makes work orders and open and shut matter.

While some jobs take priority, admins play a key role in staying on top of all work orders. MAPCON makes this task a breeze.

Find your work orders under the Open and Completed Work Order Menu.

While you find related reports in other menus, the Open and Completed Work Order Menu offers a central location to view lists. These lists include work orders for equipment, locations, routes, and cost centers.

Equipment/Location/Cost Center Work Orders.

Let's delve into one of these categories to understand how they all work. Read further for a discussion of Routes.

The first tab (Lookup) displays existing lists of various items, including inventory, routes, and in this case, open and completed work orders.

Export your lists and use the search function.

Before we explore the list in detail, remember that you can generate reports or export the lists to a spreadsheet using the green "X" button on the right side. To find a specific work order, enter its ID in the search field next to the magnifying glass.

Sort and filter your work orders.

Within the main window, you can sort the list by clicking on column headers like Equipment ID, Keyword, or Description. This allows you to alphabetize the list based on your chosen criteria. If you know the specific equipment ID, sort by that column and enter the ID to quickly locate the work order.

For more options, use the "Sort By" dropdown menu. Depending on the category (e.g., Equipment), you can sort by hierarchy, keyword, or meter/gauge readings.

If you manage multiple sites or zones, you can sort by those as well. To further refine your search, use the "Open Filters" option on the right. Choose the desired parameters and click "Apply Filters."

View and modify work order details.

Double-clicking on a work order opens a new tab displaying detailed information. Here, you'll see two windows: one for open work orders and another for open route work orders. Double-click on a specific work order to access its details and make any necessary changes.

The "Completed Work Orders" tab functions similarly, displaying completed work orders instead. The bottom sections of both tabs show the total number of completed work orders and their corresponding costs.

Archive completed work orders.

In the "Completed Work Orders" tab, you'll see checkboxes next to descriptions. A checked box indicates an archived work order within MAPCON's historical records.

Route Work Orders: A Slight Variation

The process for Route Work Orders works similarly as the others, with the exception that it only displays open and completed work orders in a single window. Routes don't have separate open/completed categories.

MAPCON Support—Here For You

If you have questions about the various work order features or any system-related matter, call the U.S.-based support team at 800-922-4336. Alternatively, you can email MAPCON support or click the website's chat button for assistance.

Discover the organization and efficiency of the Open and Completed Work Order Menu. Take control of your maintenance management success. You work hard. MAPCON helps you work smarter.

For further details about work order software read this article.


Stephen Brayton

About the Author – Stephen Brayton


Stephen L. Brayton is a Marketing Associate at Mapcon Technologies, Inc. He graduated from Iowa Wesleyan College with a degree in Communications. His background includes radio, hospitality, martial arts, and print media. He has authored several published books (fiction), and his short stories have been included in numerous anthologies. With his joining the Mapcon team, he ventures in a new and exciting direction with his writing and marketing. He’ll bring a unique perspective in presenting the Mapcon system to prospective companies, as well as our current valued clients.


Filed under: work order, CMMS, maintenance — Stephen Brayton on July 28, 2022