Published: February 28, 2023 Updated: December 31, 2024
Success With A CMMS - I
"Your positive action combined with positive thinking results in success." – Shiv Khera
Congratulations! You've decided to invest in a computerized maintenance management system (CMMS). You've seen that such a system could be of value in your operations. Management, production workers, and maintenance technicians are looking for it to bring better organization to the company, reduce costs, and increase the quality of the work and the workplace. If you're concerned with the question of how you achieve success with a CMMS, let's back up one step and discuss how to achieve success in general. Do you know the steps to take and the skills to possess?
There are scores of books and articles on 'how to succeed.' In one sense, this won't be anything new. However, my goal is to combine many qualities and skills and highlight only eight points. Later, they will be related to a CMMS. Later still, I'll discuss success within and from using the software.

1. Learn
I'm skipping the pre-how-to stages of having a correct mindset and spurring yourself to action. They're important, but let's begin with you on the doorstep to the path to success.
Learning is essential. Obtain every detail to get you going. This might mean brushing up on the three Rs of reading, 'riting, and 'rithmatic skills, or enrolling in courses to learn something brand new. Train, practice, learn more.
2. Discipline/Perseverance
You may be learning as you're doing. That's okay and may be the best course. As you're moving along that path, you'll encounter obstacles, setbacks, and failures. When these occur, you can't give up. I've seen too many people work so hard for so long only to quit after a setback or even a minor problem.
You have to discipline yourself to pause, analyze, devise a solution, then go on the offensive and overcome.
Perseverance goes right along with discipline. Have to keep your eye on the goal.
3. Reasonable goals
This might be put back at the beginning, but one reason people give up is that they realize the endgame is truly out of reach.
One of the lessons I learned about setting goals is to make them challenging but reachable. For instance, as a writer, I strive to write as often as possible. Perhaps not every day, but most days. 'Writing' in this case may be editing rather than writing new material. However, if I want to write a single page of material per day, that's achievable but not challenging. If I want to write 100,000 words per day, that's challenging, but not feasible.
Set your goals high but be sure you are able to reach them.
4. Communication
You won't be going down the success path alone. At some point, you'll need help from someone, even if only peripherally. The best skill to have is good communication. This will help improve all of the other skills you'll develop.
Remember that communication isn't just verbal or emailing. It's body language, and especially what you don't say that may be most important.
5. Fail
If you're one of those rare people who achieve all goals the first time out, then come sprinkle some of that luck onto me.
Most of us fail at some point. I've been in martial arts for over thirty years, always passing rank advancement testings…up until 2016. I knew I hadn't passed, but I didn't quit. I trained harder and passed the next time.
You might have heard the phrase, 'failure is not an option.' That's a great motivator to have but the fact is, failure happens. The keys to moving onward are that discipline/perseverance, learning, asking questions, and accepting the failure are all a part of learning a lesson.

6. One step at a time
It's the only way to go. In stages, phases, with short-term goals. Even winning the lottery isn't instant wealth. A. buy the ticket. B. Compare the numbers with those that were drawn. 3. Contact an investment advisor and perhaps an attorney. D. spend time at the lottery office processing the ticket and subsequent payout conditions.
7. Have fun
Yes, work is work and work has to be done. However, if you're not having fun on the journey to success, perhaps you're not on the right journey. Discover something fun as you go.
8. Learn
Yes, this is a repeat of the first point and, no, it's not the same concept. In this case, this learning comes from a review of the journey after you've achieved your goal. Learn and remember how you completed your goal, how you overcame mistakes, how long it took, and if there are any improvements to be made the next time.
I know I haven't mentioned a CMMS, yet, but see how many of the eight points you can see associated with the use of a CMMS.
The learning point is obvious as you'll be attending training sessions.
Setting reasonable goals is important because you might want to start using the CMMS for a portion of your maintenance, maybe using a few features to get more familiar with the system. Afterward, you'll use more. This is also part of the step-by-step point.
Good communication can mean having better communication with coworkers through the system and a beneficial relationship with the CMMS support team. This is where I wouldn't use the word 'failure.' I would say you have questions and further learning tips and tricks to use the system better. That's what the support team is for.
What about fun? Why not?
I shouldn't have to detail discipline and perseverance because I'm certain you possess both.
Next week, let's explore further and get more in-depth with your using a CMMS.
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