Published: July 28, 2011 Updated: February 28, 2025
2011: 22nd Annual MUG Conference
Do you know the "real" power of what you already possess in your arsenal of maintenance tools?
Learn from other users how you can introduce new users in your organization to MAPCON and inspire them with the true power of the system. Find out how Inventory Control without Lock down is possible, and how your CMMS can benefit production. Hear how you can "do it once" with the accounting interface. Discover how building Lookups and Code Pop-ups will benefit your operation. Understand how Compliance Tracking can insure you're "getting "er done" (to quote a popular humorist). Gain knowledge of the options available to your organization during the Customization Showcase. Become skilled at Report Writing so that you can "toot your own horn before someone uses it as a funnel." Set your performance bar higher by learning the benefits of barcode technology. Learn how Knowledge is Power so you can harness the power of "The Most Productive Tool You Will Ever Use!" Utilize the 500+ years of experience our dedicated users bring to this conference. Don't miss this opportunity to learn, share, discover and become part of the MAPCON success story.