Published: January 10, 2012 Updated: December 31, 2024
GEAPS Exchange March 3-6, 2012
GEAPS is the only individual-membership organization in the grain operations industry, dedicated to providing members with forums to generate leadership, innovation and excellence in grain-related industry operations. Once known as the grain milling capital of the world, Minneapolis will again be the focus of the grain handling industry when GEAPS brings the Exchange back to the Twin Cities. GEAPS" 83rd annual technical conference and exposition will bring GEAPerS from around the world to Exchange 2012 at the Minneapolis Convention Center.
The Expo Hall will be filled with record-breaking numbers of exhibitors and booths containing products, equipment and services designed specifically for professionals like you. From companies that have been at every Exchange for more than 40 years, to new exhibitors eager to be a part of the premier show in the industry, another sell-out promises that this year"s Expo will be the biggest and best one yet.
Register on-line at and visit us at the MAPCON booth.